Physical Location in Bend & Remote Services Available
Whether you are starting a new business, converting an existing business (such as from a sole proprietorship to an LLC), buying a business, or selling your business, you need legal advice on how to protect your assets and best meet your goals.
Often, our clients want to know the correct entity which offers the best liability protection, the most freedom to operate without difficult administrative requirements, and with the best tax advantages possible.
De Alicante Law Group can help with your business planning, represent you during your business formation, then provide continuing legal services that meet your needs for years to come. This often includes drafting leases, contracts, notes, representation during real estate transactions, and managing conflicts with third parties.
When you are buying or selling a business, our firm can represent you during the transaction to help you meet your goals with the business transfer, including the selection of form of purchase or sale that will maximize your liability protection, and provide strategic planning to put you in the best overall position for treatment on taxes.
Call our business planning attorneys today for an in-person consultation to assess your needs and see how De Alicante Law Group can best serve you.
De Alicante Law Group also provides Central Oregon with legal representation in probate, taxation, trusts, wills and other comprehensive estate planning, with a location in Bend, Oregon and remote services available!